Trang chủCanadaThi quốc tịch Canada 2024: 227 câu hỏi luyện thi

Thi quốc tịch Canada 2024: 227 câu hỏi luyện thi

Câu hỏi thi quốc tịch Canada bao gồm 20 câu hỏi về quyền và trách nhiệm của người Canada, lịch sử, địa lý, nền kinh tế, chính quyền, luật lệ, các biểu tượng. Bạn cần trả lời đúng 15 câu (75%) để vượt qua bài thi này.

Trước khi tiếp tục, mời bạn xem điều kiện nhập quốc tịch Canada (tiếng Anh) để xác định mình đã đủ điều kiện thi hay chưa.

Cấu trúc đề thi quốc tịch Canada

  • Thời gian thi: 45 phút.
  • Ngôn ngữ thi: tiếng Anh hoặc tiếng Pháp.
  • Hình thức thi: trắc nghiệm.
  • Điểm đậu: 75%.
  • Địa điểm thi: thi trực tuyến hoặc trực tiếp.

Nội dung thi quốc tịch Canada

  • Lịch sử.
  • Kinh tế.
  • Địa lý.
  • Thông tin chính phủ.
  • Luật pháp.

Tài liệu học thi quốc tịch Canada

Tài liệu học thi quốc tịch Canada có sẵn ở nhiều định dạng. Bạn có thể chọn:

Câu hỏi thi quốc tịch Canada tỉnh bang Ontario

Đây là các câu hỏi thi quốc tịch tham khảo dành cho cư dân sinh sống ở tỉnh bang Ontario.

Federal Questions

1. A Member of Parliament from Montreal announces that she will spend her weekend in her electoral district. This means she would be

2. After a federal election, which party forms the new government?

3. Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War?

4. Canada has three territories and how many provinces?

5. Fatima is a new immigrant in Canada. What law allows her to take a job at par with a man?

6. From where does the name “Canada” come from?

7. Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community.

8. Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada.

9. Give the first line of Canada’s national anthem?

10. How are Members of Parliament chosen?

11. How are Senators chosen?

12. How does a bill become a law?

13. How is a Cabinet Minister chosen?

14. How is the government formed after a federal election?

15. How is the Prime Minister chosen?

16. In Canada, are you allowed to question the police about their service or conduct?

17. In Canada’s justice system what does “presumption of innocence” mean?

18. In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called?

19. In what industry do most Canadians work?

20. In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?

21. Name all the federal political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders.

22. Name six responsibilities of citizenship.

23. Name the five regions of Canada.

24. Name three additional rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

25. Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

26. Name two key documents that contain our rights and freedoms.

27. Name two responsibilities of the federal government.

28. Name two responsibilities of the provincial and territorial government.

29. On what date did Nunavut become a territory?

30. One third of all Canadians live in which province

31. The Canadian Coat of Arms and motto is “A Mari Usque Ad Mare.” This means

32. What are some examples of taking responsibility for yourself and your family?

33. What are the Prairie provinces and their capital cities?

34. What are the provinces of Central Canada and their capital cities?

35. What are the provinces of the Atlantic region and their capital cities?

36. What are the territories of Northern Canada and their capital cities?

37. What are the three levels of government in Canada?

38. What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?

39. What are the three main types of industry in Canada?

40. What are the three parts of Parliament?

41. What are the two official languages of Canada?

42. What country is Canada’s largest trading partner?

43. What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?

44. What did the Fathers of Confederation do?

45. What do you call a law before it is passed?

46. What do you call the Sovereign’s representative in the provinces?

47. What do you mark on a federal election ballot?

48. What does Confederation mean?

49. What does it mean to say Canada is a constitutional monarchy?

50. What does the “right to a secret ballot” mean?

51. What does the Canadian flag look like?

52. What does the term “responsible government” mean?

53. What does the word “Inuit” mean?

54. What happened at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham?

55. What is a Francophone?

56. What is a major river in Quebec?

57. What is a majority government?

58. What is a voter information card?

59. What is Canada’s national winter sport?

60. What is Canada’s system of government called?

61. What is meant by the equality of women and men?

62. What is the “head tax”?

63. What is the capital city of Canada?

64. What is the difference between the role of the Sovereign and that of the Prime Minister?

65. What is the government of all of Canada called?

66. What is the highest court in Canada?

67. What is the highest military honour a Canadian can receive?

68. What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada?

69. What is the meaning of the Remembrance Day poppy?

70. What is the name of the Governor General?

71. What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada and his/her party?

72. What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?

73. What is the role of the courts in Canada?

74. What is the role of the Opposition parties?

75. What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best?

76. What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?

77. What percentage of Aboriginal people are First Nations?

78. What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote?

79. What song is Canada’s national anthem?

80. What three oceans border Canada?

81. What was the “Underground Railroad”?

82. What was the significance of June 6, 1944 invasion of Normandy?

83. What was the Women’s Suffrage Movement?

84. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?

85. What year did Newfoundland and Labrador join Canada?

86. What year was Confederation?

87. When asked, who must you tell how you voted in a federal election?

88. When did the British North America Act come into effect?

89. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?

90. When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?

91. When is Remembrance Day celebrated?

92. When must federal elections be held?

93. When you vote on election day, what do you do?

94. Where are the Great Lakes?

95. Where are the Parliament Buildings located?

96. Where do most French-speaking Canadians live?

97. Where does Canada rank in the world’s largest countries?

98. Which Act granted, for the first time in Canada, legislative assemblies elected by the people?

99. Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?

100. Which country borders Canada on the south?

101. Which federal political party is in power?

102. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Canada’s system of government?

103. Which of the following sentences best describes the War of 1812?

104. Which of the following statements about residential schools is NOT true?

105. Which party becomes the Official Opposition?

106. Which party is the Official Opposition at the federal level?

107. Which port is the largest and busiest in Canada?

108. Which province has its own time zone?

109. Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?

110. Which province is the main producer of pulp and paper and hydro-electricity?

111. Which province is the only officially bilingual province?

112. Which province was split into two at Confederation?

113. Which province was the first to grant voting rights to women?

114. Which provincial flag features the fleur-de-lys?

115. Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?

116. Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?

117. Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?

118. Which three countries are signatories to NAFTA?

119. Which was the last province to join Canada?

120. Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?

121. Who are the Acadians?

122. Who are the founding peoples of Canada?

123. Who are the Métis?

124. Who are the Quebecers?

125. Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?

126. Who do Members of Parliament represent?

127. Who had played an important part in building the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)?

128. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?

129. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?

130. Who have major responsibilities on First Nations reserves?

131. Who is Canada’s Head of State?

132. Who is considered the father of Manitoba?

133. Who is General Sir Arthur Currie?

134. Who is the Head of Government?

135. Who is the leader of the Federal Official Opposition Party?

136. Who is the Queen’s representative in Canada?

137. Who led an armed uprising and seized Fort Garry?

138. Who led Quebec into Confederation?

139. Who was Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?

140. Who was Sir Sam Steele?

141. Who was the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas in 1849?

142. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

143. Who were the United Empire Loyalists?

144. Who were the Voyagers?

145. Why is the battle of Vimy Ridge important?

146. Why is trade with other countries important to Canada?

Provincial Questions

147. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec?

148. What is the capital city of Alberta?

149. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Alberta?

150. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta?

151. What is the name of the Premier of Alberta?

152. Which political party is in power in Alberta?

153. Which three natural resources are important to Alberta’s economy today?

154. Name the federal electoral districts in Richmond, British Columbia.

155. Name the members of Parliament for Richmond, British Columbia and the parties they belong to (Richmond Centre, Steveston-Richmond East respectively).

156. Name the Members of the Legislative Assembly for Richmond, British Columbia and the parties they belong to (Richmond North Centre, Richmond South Centre, Richmond-Steveston, and Richmond-Queensborough respectively).

157. Name three city councillors for Richmond, British Columbia.

158. What is the capital city of British Columbia?

159. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in British Columbia?

160. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia?

161. What is the name of the Mayor of Richmond, British Columbia?

162. What is the name of the Premier of British Columbia?

163. Which political party is in power in British Columbia?

164. Which three natural resources are important to British Columbia’s economy today?

165. Why is British Columbia known as Canada’s Pacific Gateway?

166. What is the capital city of Manitoba?

167. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Manitoba?

168. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba?

169. What is the name of the Premier of Manitoba?

170. What three industries are important to Manitoba’s economy today?

171. Which political party is in power in Manitoba?

172. What is the capital city of New Brunswick?

173. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in New Brunswick?

174. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick?

175. What is the name of the Premier of New Brunswick?

176. What three industries are important to New Brunswick’s economy today?

177. Which political party is in power in New Brunswick?

178. What is the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador?

179. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Newfoundland and Labrador?

180. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador?

181. What is the name of the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador?

182. What three industries are important to Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy today?

183. Which political party is in power in Newfoundland and Labrador?

184. What is the capital City of Nova Scotia?

185. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Nova Scotia?

186. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia?

187. What is the name of the Premier of Nova Scotia?

188. What three industries are important to Nova Scotia’s economy today?

189. Which political party is in power in Nova Scotia?

190. What is the capital City of the Northwest Territories?

191. What is the name of the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories?

192. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in the Northwest Territories?

193. What is the name of the Premier of the Northwest Territories?

194. Which political party is in power in the Northwest Territories?

195. What is the capital City of the Nunavut?

196. What is the name of the Commissioner of Nunavut?

197. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Nunavut?

198. What is the name of the Premier of Nunavut?

199. Which political party is in power in Nunavut?

200. What is the capital city of Ontario?

201. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Ontario?

202. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario?

203. What is the name of the Premier of Ontario?

204. What three industries are important to Ontario’s economy today?

205. Which political party is in power in Ontario?

206. Which three are Members of Ontario’s Legislative Assembly?

207. What is the capital City of the Prince Edward Island?

208. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Prince Edward Island?

209. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island?

210. What is the name of the Premier of Prince Edward Island?

211. Which political party is in power in Prince Edward Island?

212. What is the capital City of the Quebec?

213. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Quebec?

214. What is the name of the Premier of Quebec?

215. What three industries are important to Quebec’s economy today?

216. Which political party is in power in Quebec?

217. What is the capital city of Saskatchewan?

218. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Saskatchewan?

219. What is the name of the Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan?

220. What is the name of the Premier of Saskatchewan?

221. What three industries are important to Saskatchewan’s economy today?

222. Which political party is in power in Saskatchewan?

223. What is the capital city of Yukon Territory?

224. What is the name of the Commissioner of Yukon Territory?

225. What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in Yukon Territory?

226. What is the name of the Premier of Yukon Territory?

227. Which political party is in power in Yukon Territory?


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